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Monday, April 5, 2010

If I Could..

If I could turn back time, change a few things, do something different instead of the path I chose, I would have done things differently. Most of my life has been wayward, now I have direction and guidence with a caring loving hand. At times my direction gets clouded and I lose my way and fall assunder. Try as I may, I still lose my direction and get lost, in the process the owner of my guidence and direction; I lost sight and did not follow the instincts that have been shown to me by Him. I should have seeked out His guidence and direction, now I understand fully the consquences of my actions, and can only hope that I can repair what has been wrought. I have learned a valueable life lesson again in my life, something that should not have been forgotten. Repect. First I must respect myself and then those around me. I can only hope that my short commings will repent itself and so then carry on my life with my hand in His, His in mine. I think of you, and I miss you. You are the axis in which my world spins, of this I never lose sight on. Please bare with me, I am only human and sometimes it takes a few mistakes to sink into my head the true faction before me. All that I am, all that I will be. I wish to fill that void in your heart that I created...

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